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Gearing Up for Growth Through (Re)Branding and (Re)Design.

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

Mosaic Solutions knew they needed to step up their branding and digital game to match their growth ambition. They weren’t wrong.

An image showing Mosaic Solutions employees


Client: Mosaic Solutions

Industry: Technology, Hospitality, Food & Beverage

Services Provided: Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Design & Development


The Challenge

Mosaic Solutions is a technology company that provides modular Food & Beverage management solutions to its customers. From POS systems to purchasing systems, inventory management systems, and even real-time analytics, Mosaic has something for any F&B business regardless of size or maturity.

Since the company was formed in 2016, Mosaic Solutions had been focused on sales and operations. The company had become a strong business by then, and in 2020, Mosaic set its eyes on brand-building, community recognition, and lead generation.

With its ambitious goals moving forward, Mosaic Solutions and its leadership team understood that a brand refresh was in order–one that was based on a well-thought-out brand strategy.

The Solution

We met Brett, Mosaic’s CEO, in a shared office space back in 2019 and eventually got to talk about their future plans and how marketing played a big part in it. He quickly connected us with his wife Jessica, who was also leading the marketing department at the time. After having a few meetings and helping them with minor content creation, we agreed to embark on Mosaic’s branding and marketing journey together.

"I immediately clicked with Paul. I loved his approach and his experience with startup businesses marketing." -Jessica Doyle

We began with brand strategy as always, and in particular, their Brand DNA. We used an earlier version of our Brand DNA framework adopted from Davies BDM and held a 2-day workshop that pushed Mosaic’s leadership team to think hard about every brand element that made up Mosaic Solutions. While the process was challenging, the output was most fulfilling and clearly useful for the intended marketing purposes.

After articulating Mosaic Solutions’ Brand DNA, it was time to develop its Brand Identity. While they already had a basic working brand style guide, Jessica was open to accommodating new logo concepts, or at the very least enhancing its current visual brand identity.

Some logo concepts were presented, but after much consideration and iterations, Jessica felt like the current logo still strongly captured the brand, and we had to agree with her. In the end, we made a subtle adjustment–a color subtraction, in fact–that in effect enhanced the overall look and feel of the Mosaic brand.

A printed page showing draft logo concepts for Mosaic Solutions
Some draft logo concepts for Mosaic Solutions

A piece of printed material showing Mosaic Solutions' old and new logos
Mosaic Solutions' old logo vs their new logo

Having agreed on the logo, discussions on color palette, typography, iconography, and brand applications quickly followed. A few feedback loops later and Mosaic’s brand book was finally delivered.

The next and final part of our engagement was an important one. We get to apply the brand philosophy we co-created with Mosaic Solutions in designing and developing something as tangible as it is functional–their new company website.

We worked with Jessica from start to finish, using output from our branding workshop such as the ideal customer persona and customer journeys, in designing the site user experience–from what is presented, to how they are structured, what the user journey will look like, and how the user will interact with the site and its many elements.

Two desktop monitors on a table showing two website design directions for Mosaic Solutions
The two website design directions presented to Mosaic Solutions

After weeks of discussions and feedback loops, we were ready to launch a website we could all be proud of. Mosaic Solutions’ new home on the web was not only a beautifully designed and on-brand experience, but it was also a functional tool that promised to generate and nurture leads for years to come.

The Results

Armed with a refreshed brand and a stylishly functional website, Mosaic Solutions was looking like a company that’s consistent with its DNA and that's ready to take on its growth ambitions.

Two desktop monitors on a table showing Mosaic Solutions' final website design and final brand book
Mosaic Solutions' final website design and final brand book

Could your company benefit from a brand and design refresh like Mosaic Solutions did? Hop on a discovery call with us and let's see what we can do together.


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